11 July 2009

Alinskyite Character-Assasination: Now it's Firefighters

According to McClatchy Newspapers, liberal forces that support the ghastly choice of Sonia Sotomayor for the US Supreme Court are now quietly investigating and preparing to attack Frank Ricci, the New Haven, CT firefighter who was the lead plaintiff that fought Sotomayor all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Mr Ricci won, overturning her race-based decision (a common occurrence with Sotomayor) and calling into the question the wisdom of her nomination on the eve of the Senate hearing. Obviously, this is embarrassing for Team Obama... and if somehow he wasn't on the Dear Leader's blacklist just yet, the irrepressible Ricci's now prepared to testify against her at the confirmation hearing, too.

So naturally -in sticking with the playbook of the underhanded Alinskyite left- Ricci needs to have his character destroyed. This is the same thinking behind well-choreographed and politically-motivated DNC/MSM/HuffPo attacks on military veterans, the CIA, Joe the Plumber, the Palins (all the way down to 1-yr. old Trig), Michael Steele, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, et. al.

It appears that screwing this poor guy Ricci out of a job in New Haven wasn't enough for Sotomayor- her crew is now going to go after the guy personally for daring to resist her radical social agenda and expose her unsettling judicial record. And when the SCOTUS found him to be right... and Sotomayor wrong.
"To go after so sympathetic a plaintiff as Frank Ricci . . . is a new low in the politics of personal destruction," said Roger Pilon, the director of the libertarian Cato Institute's Center for Constitutional Studies. "If they were smart, they'd keep a low profile."
The truth is, from her bizarre racist statements, poor judicial record, and association with appalling anti-American groups like La Raza, there is no way that this woman has any business on the SCOTUS... or any other judicial bench, for that matter. She's already told us that she doesn't base all her decisions on the law, and seems to think she's there to make policy. This goes some way towards explaining how all those appeals just happened to go against her. Judge Sotomayer is simply not qualified for the position... except by Obama's warped standards, of course.

In congressional reality, what the GOP is going to do is make-their-point on the record, then just move-on... rather than waste currently-scarce political capital trying to Bork her. Simply put, we've got bigger fish to fry: the Republican party is about to go into the Obamacare and Energy Tax debates with the big guns blazing, and with the public now behind them for these epic battles. The likely result will the the delivery of two humiliating defeats for Team Obama this year... ensuring that the Democrats face a gruesome slaughter at the polls in November 2010- a mere 16 mos from now.

Hogan at RedState... thanks for the heads-up