10 July 2009

Hey Michelle!

Did you happen to catch these?

Just FYI- looks like Barack's having plenty of fun without you while checking-out the local talent at the G-8 Summit at L'Aquila, Italy-

First class, this guy- doesn't he have more sense than to be such a letch, checking-out a 16-year-old Brazilian girl... and before a bank of cameras at a G-8 Summit? Isn't this the same Obama that was afraid to kiss French First Lady Carla Bruni when his wife was monitoring the situation? Good thing Michelle's not the type to get jealous, hold a grudge, or anything like that...

Looks like world's-most-perfect-husband Barack's in for a icy reception back at the White House- and mainstream media, you be sure to cover it all in-detail. What a great opportunity backpedal on all the fairy-tales you've been ramming down our throats about how the Dear Leader is this shining example-to-us-all.

And how is Berlusconi missing out on all the action over there? Is he awake? Maybe he's finally starting to lose it... was bound to happen eventually.

Thanks for heads-up from Drudge, and the most entertaining of conservative blogs... Moonbattery