As noted today by the Washington Examiner's Chris Stirewalt -and despite phrenetic denials from the left- Barack Obama does indeed look to be facing his political Waterloo in the current legislative battle over an ill-advised statist power-grab popularly known as Obamacare.
Mr Stirewalt offers-up the intriguing observation that what Obama has actually done is cynically let Pelosi run wild with a radical, bloated HC proposal... so that the real plan that he's been stealthily concocting in Senate back rooms -and in cahoots with Big Pharma and the AMA- will look sane and moderate by comparison... thereby leading to a faux-"compromise" that still brings-on on the big-government, socialist system he so desires to saddle us with:
The big question for President Barack Obama right now isn't about health care, but his own political survival.
If he fails to deliver health legislation, Obama will prove right those who said he was in over his head. That would make him something of a lame duck after only seven months in office.
But if he does manage to squeeze a bill out of Congress, it would be a Pyrrhic victory. By delivering unwanted changes to unwilling voters on a life-or-death issue, the president would squander the goodwill he earned during the campaign.
But worse for Obama, his end run damaged what was once his greatest asset -- the belief among voters that he was something different.
Endless evasions and then a crackdown on opponents has made Obama look like just another president -- and a cynical one at that.

With the President's back against the wall, No Sheeples sees that Obama knows that he's now in a bind of his own creation... and is hell-bent to pass this bill in order to claim a desperately-needed political victory.
Of course the real obstacle to making progress on HC reform is -despite calculated and wholly insincere claims to the contrary- that Obama has almost no interest in the bipartisanship or compromise that would serve him so well here politically. The Dear Leader would instead rather just double-down in an attempt to just ram-it-down our throats. Why, you ask? As astutely observed by Dan Riehl, this child-of-Alinsky intends to bring the revolution to full fruition- so like most radicals, he sees any compromise as a defeat... not as the pragmatic and healthy element in democratic legislative processes that it actually is.
Of course the real obstacle to making progress on HC reform is -despite calculated and wholly insincere claims to the contrary- that Obama has almost no interest in the bipartisanship or compromise that would serve him so well here politically. The Dear Leader would instead rather just double-down in an attempt to just ram-it-down our throats. Why, you ask? As astutely observed by Dan Riehl, this child-of-Alinsky intends to bring the revolution to full fruition- so like most radicals, he sees any compromise as a defeat... not as the pragmatic and healthy element in democratic legislative processes that it actually is.
Obama's inglorious political ploys aren't really helping this increasingly desperate crew, either- as posted at Stop Socialism Now, whatever the mixed-signals broadcast by Team Obama this weekend were intended to convey, they instead are creating the image of a White House in disarray, conflict... and confusion.
He'll find somebody else to blame, though... always does. But ceaselessly faulting the opposition and/or George W Bush isn't working anymore, and it's getting hard for this administration to come up with fresh arguments for why congress should support radical statist legislation that would effect most all of our lives so severely.
Whether it's the latest poll, town hall meeting, or The Other McCain's in-depth coverage of the latest anti-Obamcare's become readily apparent that a majority of Americans want nothing to do with this misguided scheme anymore... and they surely don't trust Barack Obama on his specious promises, either. As stated at Riehl World View, this president seems to go out-of-his way to provide reasons for you not to trust him.
Patriots, be sure to contact your representative in the House today... tell them they need to scrap this jalopy and get back to the drawing board for some sensible, free-market-based American solutions... or nothing at all:
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