The FMJWA -my best of the conservative/libertarian blogosphere- is inspired by Stacy at The Other McCain- per his How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog. The idea is to respect the drill seargant's principle in Kubrick's Full-Metal Jacket:
" When someone does you a favor,
find an opportunity to return the kindness."
And another big week for conservative New Media... meaning a relatively bad one for the Dear Leader and his wacked-out agenda... oh well:
►Another Black Conservative put-up an appalling video of young schoolchildren in a southern New Jersey school being indoctrinated by their way-out-of-line Obot teachers- including a brainwashing Barney-style sing-along (puke sounds here).
And he asks a great question, too: the Dept. of Education had a lesson plan for Obama's school-speech... did they also have a conference call with teachers and/or principles like the NEA? Sure seem to be working off the same talking points... and tightly.
He additionally provides us a high-school test re. Obama that is simply beyond belief -here- Somebody needs to tell these kooks to stay away from our kids- they sure don't seem to know where the line is.
►Moonbattery serves-up still more telling video evidence of the 9/12 crowd size at the DC TEA party -which most serious people put at over 1.5M- further exposing the MSM spin of 60-70K protesters in what amounts to a voluntary news blackout... -here-
►Riehl World View has the NEA/ObamaCare scandal covered- where now it looks like the director who led the conference call has been demoted to designated fall-guy (like the WH didn't know) and has now joined the ranks of the unemployed... like most artists -here-
Dan also came-up with a pretty comical video of Glenn Beck's early "career"- and it's not pretty -here-
►The Other McCain investigates Obama's bizarre, self-absorbed books... and who actually wrote them -here-... Stacy also served-up a very informative look at the foggy aftermath re. the census worker found dead with "fed" supposedly scrawled on his chest... those interested in the actual truth can find it -here-
►Left Coast Rebel looks at the tent that Wacky Quaddafi pitches wherever he goes, and why this one's set-up -on the Trumpster's dirt- didn't quite go to-plan -here-
►Stop the ACLU WT Huston's piece on the CBO's latest ObamaCare cost estimates are certainly illuminating- and in the sort of way Team Obama might not like so much. Trouble is -like ol' Joe Wilson- the Budget Office is calling the president a liar when he says they'll be no tax hikes to pay for it... read more -here-
►Vodkapundit says that nobody's buying our long-term T-bills anymore- and sums-up just what this -together with printing money 24/7- means to this country's budget, currency, and economy -here-
Also liked his Letterman bit Deconstructing Dave -here-
►Vocal Minority has one of the funniest Obama parodies you've seen in a while... this one is pretty comical -here-
►Atlas Shrugs put up the whole of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's much-discussed speech at the UN of "have you no shame?" fame -here-... really recommended if you've got the 30 mins. I felt for the guy... having to endure all the drivel coming from Ahmedinijad, Chavez, Quaddafi -not to mention Chairman O's shameful betrayal- what a drag.
And ►neoneocon did an informative sum-up of a Week of Obama Weakness... and you can read that -here-