After the dissappointing lack of politically-useful violence at the TEA parties and townhall meetings, Team Obama must have thought they hit the Alinskyite Lotto when census worker Bill Sparkman was reported by the Associated Press to have been found hanging dead from a tree near a creepy, backwoods Kentucky graveyard... and with "Fed" scrawled on his chest, no less.
Not only did this report seem a little too useful to the WH narrative of embittered reactionaries behind every tree, but the administration's poodles at the AP were sure to tie-in the Oklahoma City bombings too, just so we all "get it"- obviously the work of lethal, right-wing domestic terrorists. You know, the same fringe characters trying to stop Obama from delivering the rest of us to his statist paradise.
And while most-all reports of the event quote from the AP wire -even the local Lexington paper couldn't be bothered to get off their keister- a few of the key details obtained from the AP's dubious "anonymous source" haven't exactly aged well... so maybe it's time for some independent corroboration of some of this...?
That's why Stacy from The Other McCain -who has some background in gumshoe journalism- decided to head for the hills and get to the bottom of just what did -and didn't- happen in Clay County, Kentucky last week.
Not only did this report seem a little too useful to the WH narrative of embittered reactionaries behind every tree, but the administration's poodles at the AP were sure to tie-in the Oklahoma City bombings too, just so we all "get it"- obviously the work of lethal, right-wing domestic terrorists. You know, the same fringe characters trying to stop Obama from delivering the rest of us to his statist paradise.
And while most-all reports of the event quote from the AP wire -even the local Lexington paper couldn't be bothered to get off their keister- a few of the key details obtained from the AP's dubious "anonymous source" haven't exactly aged well... so maybe it's time for some independent corroboration of some of this...?
That's why Stacy from The Other McCain -who has some background in gumshoe journalism- decided to head for the hills and get to the bottom of just what did -and didn't- happen in Clay County, Kentucky last week.

Stacy is still down there poking-around today, so keep track of the developments in Kentucky -here- at
The Other McCain.
And Dan at Riehl World View sees these contradictions as pitting of the Kentucky State Police against the frantically-spinning leftists -here-
►The Other McCain: MURDER IN EAST KENTUCKY UPDATE: 'Neither confirm nor deny'
And Dan at Riehl World View sees these contradictions as pitting of the Kentucky State Police against the frantically-spinning leftists -here-
►The Other McCain: MURDER IN EAST KENTUCKY UPDATE: 'Neither confirm nor deny'