24 September 2009

Is the GOP in Need of a "Leader"?

Riehl World View has a piece up on Instapundit Glenn Reynolds' interview on PJTV with Mark Levin, which touched-on the question of whether or not the GOP and conservatives need a "leader." [10:35].

Note [7:45] Renolds admitting that even he thought that Levin and others on talk-radio were over-the-top in their 2008 rants re. Obama's plans for apppeasement and a massive socialist agenda... when in reality it's all turned out far, far worse than even their direst predictions... with Obama like a "central-casting villain".

And where do you hear this call for a conservative "leader" coming from, anyway?

Primarily the Left and MSM, of course... most conservatives feel that our ideas unite us just fine at this point- as evidenced on 9/12. And we all know new leadership will evolve into 2012... as Levin says, "the grass-roots in leading the way".

But the Alinskyites of Team Obama/DNC/MSM desperately need for us to have a "leader"... so they have a target. One of Alinsky's primary tenents is to personalize the battle, to single-out a class "enemy" and attack him- just like the Bolsheviks that they are. The Left needs this SO badly in-fact that they attempted to crown a GOP "leader" -Rush Limbaugh- pounding this talking point hard, have constructed rhetorical strawmen, and/or attacked Palin when no such "leader" was provided...
Rules for Radicals' # 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.
One could make the argument that there's really no need for a GOP leader/front-runner until 2011... with the people deciding, not the party... as re. Barack Obama, it was the GOP's base out-there in fly-over country that got it right... and DC-based party leadership that got it oh-so wrong. 2010 will make or break a few careers on both sides of the isle, so let that play-out first. IMO the Democrats will be facing a bloodbath- so we'll just see who emerges once the dust settles.

Sorry Dems- only 14 mos until it's time to face the music... and good luck with that. Now would be a good time to start hedging... you know what you need to do on Obamacare if you plan to stay in the same line of work.

