08 November 2009

No Worries- Joe Lieberman Will Filibuster this Pig Into the Ground

As noted today by Prof William Jacobson at
Le.gal In.sur.rec.tion, the brave, principled, and irrepressible Joe Lieberman has already thrown a tanker-truck of cold water on the PelosiCare party... vowing to join the GOP caucus in the Senate in fillibustering any HC reform bill with a "public option".

Sen. Lieberman clearly sees the statist Trojan horse in this legislation, as the public option is simply a slow-motion bankrupting and nationalization of the American HC insurance industry.

Consequently some "progressive" kooks -knowing a threat to Hope-n-Change when they see one- proceeded to physically occupy his office for 40 mins last week, until the police came and hauled the trash away- this in addition to other threats Lieberman has already received since stating his opposition to this statist power-n-tax grab.

"We're trying to do too much at once," he stated... “To put this government-created insurance company on top of everything else is just asking for trouble for the taxpayers, for the premium payers and for the national debt. I don’t think we need it now."

And all this puts Obama-Pelosi-Reid in a terrible bind... as noted by Dr Jacobsson:
As many left-wing bloggers are screaming, the Stupak Amendment guts Roe v. Wade in reality (but not in law) by creating a subclass of health insurance coverage which will cost more and be less available than alternatives without abortion coverage.
So Harry Reid needs to drop the public option to get a bill through the Senate. Nancy Pelosi needs to drop abortion coverage even for most private plans, to get a bill through the House.
The end result: If a bill is to pass both houses of Congress, it will have no public option and no abortion coverage.
So join the club, libs... right along with all the rest who didn't get the Change they signed-up for.

What this country really needs is for the Senate to pull-the-plug on this creaking Rube Goldberg contraption and start fresh, with real tort reform and interstate HC insurance competition... like, say, after the Dems are bounced to the curb en masse next fall.

Dan at Riehl World View says he can't recall any bill that's struggled this much in the House ever making it through the Senate -here-

Jim at Gateway Pundit has video of the defiant Joe Lieberman -here-

Then check-out this clip on Brietbart's Big Government... where Eline van den Broek of the Netherlands only needs four minutes to explain why the European socialized HC system that Obama so emulates is a colossal mistake -here-