Stumbling out of Copenhagen with yet another FAIL under his belt, Barack's managed to alienate his residual enthusiasts on the Left, with Chavez and Castro now taking shots at him- I guess kissing their posteriors didn't garner any respect, huh.
Let's see what the New Media's resurgent Right has to say about all this...
►Jumping in Pools has bad news this Saturday morn, as it looks like Dingy Harry may have finagled his 60th vote -here-
►Left Coast Rebel disects Comrade Chavez's comments at Copenhagen re. still smelling sulfur
►Moonbattery looks at how netroots hero and far-Left moonbat Alan Grayson has inspired a new website... but not by fans -here-
►Dancing with the Czars confirms that ObamaCare's dubious individual HC insurance mandates are indeed unconstitutional -here-
►Bungalow Bill sums-up Dear Leader's international political face-plant at Copenhagen... but thank GAWD that fool didn't sign anything -here-
►Conservative Pup covered the story of a patriot stepping up... specifically Allen West -here-
►Government Mess reports on a giant UFO over the Kremlin... always something going on with those crazy Russians -here-
►The Lonely Conservative reports globaloney skeptic Lord Monckton was actually beaten by police at Copenhagen -here-
►Conservatives Defending Liberty says reality is finally dawning on the misguided and marginalized Hillary re. Tehran -here-
►Caught Him with a Corndog says that randy ol' Tiger's not out-of-the-woods yet -here-
►American Power is covering the current blog wars
►Gateway Pundit reported on something the lamestream media is ignoring -typically- Like how the Chinese completely blew-off Obama at the Copenhagen junk-science conference -here-
►Blue Pit Bull has found Ahmedinijad's long-lost brother -here-