11 January 2010

Support Scott Brown for Senate NOW!

Massachusetts conservative site Red-Invades-Blue is launching a Money Bomb today for the brave Republican challenger for Ted Kennedy's open Senate seat, Scott Brown.

With the GOP providing lackluster support for a seat they thought was unattainable, Mr Brown has performed miracles, and polls show he's closing-in on Obama-toady-in waiting Martha Coakley... but needs your support to maintain his momentum into voting next week.

Brown is running on a two-pronged platform of tax cuts and taking-out-the-terrorists- which seems to have found a surprisingly receptive electorate in such a liberal bastion. And with his recent surge, conservatives who usually don't bother to even vote anymore in their Dem-dominated state are now fired-up and ready for a huge upset.

Check-out their efforts and help however you can here... a Brown victory in deep-blue Taxxachussetts would deliver to the misguided Obama administation a hideous shock, and would help to put the brakes on their reckless, print-money socialist bender... as Harry Reid would thereby lose his 60th vote.

Go get 'em, Scott:

h/t Instapundit