Hey libs... I thought you wanted that
Wisconsin strikers

Wisconsin strikers

Here's where the union thug hit a reporter...
Small wonder then that -despite early direct support of the Wisconsin demonstrators through Organizing for America- Team Obama is now quickly working to build distance between themselves and the pugnacious unions' unpopular cause. In the end, looks like another rabble-rousing FAIL for our insolent Community-Organizer-in-Chief and his neo-Bolshevik cronies... like Richard Trumka.
Polls indicate that Wisconsin voters already see more principled leadership in Gov Scott Walker's admission of stark fiscal reality than than a bunch of AWOL Dem senators allied to a labor racket our completely-broke country can simply no longer afford to underwrite.
Wisconsin violence, strikers, union, violent rhetoric, nasty signs, union threats, death threats, video, cxx, xxx, union thug, union thug hit reporter Wisconsin violence Stop the Hate xxx Wisconsin violence strikers, Stop the Hate union thug, union thug hit reporter Wisconsin violence Stop the Hate Wisconsin violence, strikers, union, violent rhetoric, nasty signs