02 July 2009

Alinsky Left in Full-Court Press

With Barack Obama's poll numbers starting to look just a wee-bit shakey, and embarrassing TEA Party II protests about to put to bed the nonsensical Everyone-Just-Loves-Barack myth, it's not by chance that now we see fresh attempts at baiting fake conflicts on the right... in-order to divert attention from the president's habitual dishonesty, hubris, disregard for the law/constitution/ethics, and general all-round incompetence, while keeping the GOP back-on-their-heels for 2010 and beyond.

And the most obvious conclusion that can be drawn from their words and actions is that the Democratic Party is terrified of Sarah Palin- pure and simple.

Nobody in the GOP could care less what Colin Powell says... nor Meghan McCain, anonymous sources/"leaks" in Rolling Stone or Vanity Fair, blather from MSNBC's Obot-drones, repulsive "humor" from David Letterman, et al. But the left is attempting to create the appearance of ceaseless chaos and disunity within the Republican party- there's little doubt about that.

Various naive or disingenuous RINOs and other mysterious "sources" -with their puerile he said/she said statements- aren't news, and not relevant in any way. Obama and the MSM/left are simply exploiting them to create their own politically-useful stories and manufactured GOP "scandals".
The left have been employing despicable Alinsky-inspired divide-and-conquer and character assassination techniques since before The One was even sworn-in… promoting synthetic “fights” like Limbaugh vs. Steele, in-addition to ceaseless ridicule of Jindal, Palin, and others- even shameful distortion of the legacy of Ronald Reagan. The strategy's larger purpose is to eliminate GOP rallying points and philosophical framework for 2010/12... while making the Republicans look like they're mired in petty, peripheral issues.

Now we again have yet another crude attack on Sarah Palin, factually inaccurate and mostly unsubstantiated by Vanity Fair so as to stir-the-pot, so then the press can descend upon various Republicans to try and quote them in contradiction to one another... same underhanded game for months now.

Typical in support of this effort is calculating articles like here on Politico- telling us all how "high profile" Republicans are allegedly fighting like cats-n-dogs regarding the recent Vanity Fair article on Sarah Palin. But Steve Schmidt is far from relevant- as a matter of fact after bungling the McCain campaign, his career has got to be over. But for some reason, the left hangs on his every word... how about that. Rather, I'd take Kristol's version of events- if you have any interest in the truth here.

As for Meghan McCain's latest sage advice that Republicans forgive disgraced, irresponsible, and selfish Governor Mark Sanford... well, it's just about time that her daddy finally told her to shut up. I've never met one person in my life who gives two hoots what this girl has to say- why should they?

The fact is that this poor thing is so hungry for her 15 mins of fame... but sadly is too dumb to see she's only being put on TV as a tool of the Alinskyite left, and with no greater moral or intellectual authority than, say, a Levi Johnston. But now that she's had a taste, she can't handle going back to hang-out at the mall in obscurity... and man, are they making a fool out of her. You'd think her parents would have educated her on how the world works- perhaps she wouldn't have turned out to be such a useful idiot for the DNC.

The Democrats know perfectly well Obama's poll numbers are going to be in the toilet by 2012, so they've opted for pre-emptive attacks and character assasination on all fronts- and as far as they're concerned, the best defense is a good offense, coupled to Alinsky-style diversions. As indicated by their substantial efforts in her direction, Governor Palin has clearly emerged in their minds as the gravest threat to an Obama 2nd term.

And what a coincidence it is then, that all this specious "advice" for the GOP coming from Team Obama, Pelosi, Reid, assorted B-league RINOs, and the press just happens to involve the party abandoning the principles that bring it votes and/or conflict with the Obama agenda. All this in order to morph into some sort of Obama-lite, and a silent partner in Obama's stealthy, yet radical makeover of this country. Hey liberals, if we wanted your "advice"- don't you think we'd ask for it?

It’s also not difficult to see why Democrats might prefer to banter playfully about made-up GOP “scandals” and irrelevancies like Meghan’s latest drivel than debate Obama’s ongoing destruction of the country-

Back in (MSM-ignored) reality, Obama is being largely humiliated overseas, and this week Al Jazeera harshly criticized Obama's tepid and useless "support" for the protesters in Iran- who even this pan-Arabic news network said were largely pro-American. Oh well, they won't be anymore by the time Obama's done allying himself with their slave-masters- and since they're mostly the young and educated of Iran, they will be hating us for the next 50 years now. Note that Chairman O sure didn't waste any time in voicing support for a corrupt Honduran leftist, though.

North Korea's already telling us they're going to fire missiles right at us- could you imagine that crackpot trying this on Reagan's watch? He'd have made it abundantly clear that if they struck us, Pyongyang would be turned into a glass-floored, self-lighting parking lot. What does Obama do? Issue some wishy-washy statement of "concern"- then cowers under his desk.

And as reported by Sammy at Yid-with-Lid, this week, even the far-left, uber-Obama fans at Der Spiegel ripped him a new one for his ill-advised and treacherous print-money spending. Meanwhile, the socialist bastions of Germany and Hungary this week both enacted tax cuts to stimulate their economies... a stark contrast to the United States' precarious path.

What is becoming apparent is that when the Democrats' reckless pork-n-welfare spending spree fails to create any real economic gains -but stokes vicious inflation and crashes the dollar instead- the Democrats will face significant setbacks in November 2010- which is now only 16 mos away.

The moment is fast approaching when the propaganda and immoral attacks on Palin, Jindal, and others are as exposed and despised as the Democrats' serial mismanagement of America is destined to be. There is then to be a heavy electoral price for the Democrats... while history is likely to be an even harsher judge. This could play-out as the largest wasted political opportunity of all time, with the Democratic Party not wholly-entrusted with the purse strings ever again, once we all digest the price for the catastrophic folly of Obamamania.

The employment of such bad-faith media disinformation tactics -coupled to the plastic, disingenuous front that Obama presents- is absolutely un-American. Sadly, this fits-right-in with the rest of his statist, anti-freedom agenda. Many in this country are belatedly coming to realize these things... and they don't like it.

Yet another reason to put the grownups back in charge next fall-