13 July 2009

Save The Kittehs @ Right Wing News!

Seems that John Hawkins at Right Wing News did the right thing and saved some kittens that he found nesting under his house. And no good deed goes unpunished, as we all know- there seems to be a glut of such animals at his local shelters... and the market for them is a bit thin right now. John is now working on a solution while they are still in the kitten stage. He is even offering free ads on his sites for helping with the cause here... and the guy does get some traffic.

John admits he's "not a cat guy"- I myself am allergic, so I sure can't help him out... wish I could (and so does my wife) Perhaps one of my readers can help save one of these wonderful creatures? They deserve a loving home, and John is putting himself though a lot of hassle by avoiding a path that would lead to their destruction- I'm sure he has other things to do. If you have a place for one... they are absolutely adorable... and I'm sure his dog will thank you, too!

John can be reached at: johnhawkins@rightwingnews.com