27 September 2009

Dear Leader Tanking Again

Rasmussen Reports' presidential approval index now stands at -10%... a three-week low, and back to double-digit negativity for Obama.

In other fun polling news, Rasmussen found:

Opposition to ObamaCare is at an all-time high of 56%

59% of voters believe that political anger is greater now than under George W Bush.

And the resurgent GOP has lept to a four-point lead in the generic congressional ballot poll- 42% to 38%. That's a 15+% swing from just a year-ago...

Republicans also lead polls in the NY and NC governor's races... and early in the campaign for the CO US Senate seat, appointed incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet trails his Republican challenger Jane Norton by nine points... ouch. I guess Mike hasn't made much of an impression on Coloradans.