11 November 2009

Shut Up and Take Your Polypill

Big Government has big plans for you- and typical of the nightmarish Obama era, they have nothing to do with liberty, freedom, or opportunity... and everything to do with centralization of power/controlling the plebes/peremptory diktats from the Dear Leader... along with a little under-the-table Chicago-style dealing to get all the players together.

Many in our country are so politically lazy and self-absorbed that they're simply oblivious to the Democrats' all-out assault on sacred American traditions like independence and self-reliance... but as Trotsky said of military issues: "You may not be interested in war... but war is interested in you."

Those paying a little more attention see fresh reason for concern in Big Pharma's development of a new Polypill - one that combines aspirin, blood pressure medicine, and a cholesterol lowering drug. Under nationalized healthcare -the primary long-term goal of ObamaCare- the federal government will want every adult on this Polypill.

This Big-Bro-brainstorm originated with the NHS in Britain... and it's been proposed as policy in Washington in the name of disease prevention. The purported reason? To save money, of course... so more of the Dems' entitlement-dependent serfs can get health coverage through the "public option" or other subsidies.

But there's another agenda- Big Pharma profits. If you'll recall, the pharmaceutical industry recently did a shady backroom deal with Team Obama to sell their endorsement of his HC "reform" for a price- sparing themselves from serious cost controls and importation of cheaper drugs from Canada.

The federally-mandated Polypill would be the logical next deal for them... if it wasn't already secretly part of the first. And they surely don't care if it's actually a good idea for everyone to take it (it's not)- or that cholesterol-controlling drugs' ability to prevent heart disease is still open to debate- or that it will actually do quite a number of people more harm than good... 200+M pills/day is some serious incremental business.

Natural News says Obama's lackeys are busy selling it already:
The Associated Press gushed all over this news, saying the Polypill has been "a dream for a decade," and that this company-funded clinical trial "proved the skeptics wrong."
The AP even quoted a doctor (Dr. Robert Harrington, spokesperson for the American College of Cardiology) as saying this Polypill should be part of President Obama's health care reform plan.
Do they know the Polypill actually improved health? ...
Of course not. Big Pharma almost never measures real-world effects in its studies, it only measures "biomarkers" that greatly oversimplify the true causes of disease...

Big Pharma has already bought-off the biggest players in Washington -including the Obama WH- and if the government takeover of the HC goes through, they'll be calling the shots on which medicines you get... and at what prices.

Former Congressman Billy Tauzin is the chief lobbyist for Big Pharma, and armed with tens of millions of dollars, he's bought a lot of influence... meanwhile cutting an opaque and dubious deal with President Obama to ensure that drug prices won't be negotiated any lower.

This is the same Barack Obama that's been telling us for two years now how he'll be the "most transparent administration in history" as he chases all the evil lobbyists off with a pitchfork- what a joke.

And every time you think we've exhausted the unsettling Orwellian parallels... yet another.

[+h/t Paul Kirby]