20 December 2009

Power-Drunk Democrats Digging Their Own Grave?

With the likely passing of some sort of HC bill against heavy public opposition -albeit in diluted form- some observers see a Pyhrric victory where political costs outweigh the benefits to the Democrats.

With 57% of voters opposed to this misguided statist power-grab -and the legislation supported along straight party lines- the Dems look to face disembowelment at the polls next fall if they proceed to ram ObamaCare down our throats... with Dick Morris predicting gruesome 100+ seat losses-

Bill Kristol sees a lesson for the GOP going-forward...

Pyrrhus's victory became Pyrrhic because the victorious party lost many of its supporters--but also because the opposition didn't abate in courage, was able to gain new recruits, and had the force and resolution to go on.

It's certainly true that the Obama administration and the Democrats have lost supporters over the past year. On February 24, when President Obama laid out his domestic agenda in his first speech to Congress, his approval/disapproval (in the Rasmussen tracking poll) was 60-39. By September 9, when he delivered his big health care speech to Congress, he was at 50-50. Today, as Harry Reid unveils his final text of the health care bill, Obama is at 45-53.

So how should Republicans move forward...?
Read more on the GOP strategy he proposes -here-

Riehl World View has a look at all that, plus how poll numbers re. ObamaCare spell political suicide for the Democrats. "How bad will it be" for them? -here-

Opus at MAinfo says it's time to go to your Senators' office and scream at them -here-

Smitty at The Other McCain weighs in on the cost of this "victory" -here-

Meanwhile -as reported at Gateway Pundit- outraged Nebraska Republicans have launched a "Give Nelson the Boot" website... that didn't take long -here-

Left Coast Rebel is surely no fan of massive new entitlements... but sees hope from all places communist China