23 December 2009

Victor Davis Hansen Smacks One into the Parking Lot

at Pajamas Media Dr Hansen posted the most concise and clear analysis of the Obama administration's means and ends I've seen... a must-read for patriots who want to know their political adversary:

In short, we have a traditional statist bent on redistribution (Obama’s words, not mine), updated with the postmodern belief that race/class/gender oppressions require government affirmative reactions (which also abroad explains why we reach out to enemies and shun allies), all energized by an ends justify the means Chicago bare-knuckles apparat.

What Are We Left With?

The most blatant cynicism in recent American political history—a man who ran as a bipartisan who is the most partisan we’ve seen, a healer whose even flippant comments are designed to offend, a statist who assumes that the sheared sheep cannot stampede somewhere else, a reformer who trusts his honey-laced rhetoric can disguise Daley style-corruption...

Read the rest -here- at PJM... it's not pretty.

h/t Instapundit