15 March 2010

Adam Light... the Virginian Doug Hoffman?

Adam Light called Stacy McCain (The Other McCain) last week to tell him of his campaign for Congress in Virginia's 9th District. Does Mr. Light  have a chance? Well, as Stacy says; "To say that Light's candidacy is a long shot is to understate the tremendous odds against him."-
Never mind the improbability of a political newcomer unseating an entrenched Democratic incumbent, Rep. Rick Boucher...  just to get that shot at Boucher -- who has riled up southwest Virginia's coal country by supporting the Waxman-Markey energy tax -- Light must first convince voters in the 9th District to support him for the GOP nomination over Morgan Griffith, majority leader in the state's House of Delegates...

"He's a good man and a good candidate," Light says of Griffith, but notes that Democrats are already trying to stick the "carpetbagger" label on the Republican front-runner, whose home near Salem sits just outside the 9th District boundary. 
Of course, district lines shift every 10 years and there is no law requiring congressmen to live in the districts they represent, but a spokesman for the state Democratic Party tipped the Boucher re-election strategy last month by offering to send Griffith a map to help him find his way around the 9th District....
Catch Stacy's column at American Spectator -here-
 -or The Other McCain -here-