And it started out so quiet...
►American Power presents a concise summary of last night's Academy Awards, direct from sunny SoCal. Since I don't watch Hollywood films, I'll let somebody who actually knows what they're talking about fill you in -here-
►Bungalow Bill has a hot one- Dan Blather making an idiotic racial slur in reference to Obama, if you can believe that... that boy never did learn when to shut-up -here-
►Riehl World View's early prediction today: ObamaCare road-show = FAIL -here-
On a lighter note,
The Other McCain is as amused as anybody by the nauseatingly odd bizarre coupling of brain-dead tool Levi Johnston to his "trophy" Kathy Griffin (yuk)-
►Moonbattery has the ACLU even turning on Obumbles now -here-
►MAinfo posts that the Massachusetts Miracle has now even reached Hollyweird as the country continues it's rightward pivot -here-
►Government Mess is the conservative video-meister... today he's got Andrew Breitbart: the Paul Revere of our Time -here-
And this week's RR Featured Blog -Adrienne's Corner- asks "What's sin got to do with it?" -here-