09 April 2010

Deprogram a Mindless O-bot Drone Today!

We all know one... hard-core hopenchangey type that can't be nudged in the direction of reality even as it's clear that Obama is dragging-down the country around them.  It's not that their belief in Dear Leader is so unshakable, though... rather, they're in deep-denial after making a comprehensive ass of themself glibly explaining-away all the red flags- the radical/communist  associations/statements, corruption, lack of experience/skills, glaring personality flaws like  narcissism and habitual dishonesty- and now they just don't see a way out...

Sounds like somebody's in-need of an intervention!  In-fact, patriots are duty-bound to liberate those still stranded in the residue of the Obamamania cult-  start today by strapping one of these foolhardy enablers into a chair for some Funny Scary Commie Tunes... this ought to do it: 

Video CommieBlaster.com
h/t BigFurHat @ iowntheworld