10 April 2010

Rock-n-Roll Oldies: Bachman-Turner Overdrive- 1974

 Bachman-Turner Overdrive (BTO) is a Canadian rock group from Winnipeg, Manitoba, that enjoyed a string of hit albums and singles in the 1970s. The band has sold an estimated 20 million albums worldwide, and many of their songs, including Let It Ride, You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet, and Takin' Care of Business, receive frequent play on many FM classic rock stations.

The precursor to BTO was the band Brave Belt formed in Winnipeg in 1971 by Randy Bachman and Chad Allan, both formerly of The Guess Who, and drummer Robin "Robbie" Bachman. After their demo tape had been rejected 26 times, Bachman was prepared to tell the other band members that they would no longer be able to remain on salary, "and they had to go and get the dreaded day jobs". 

But fate took a different course – in April 1973, Charlie Fach of Mercury Records returned to his office after a trip to France to find a stack of unplayed demo tapes waiting on his desk. Wanting to start completely fresh, he took a trash can and slid all the tapes into it except one, which missed the can and fell onto the floor. Fach then picked up the tape and while playing the first song on the reel -Gimme Your Money Please- Fach called Bachman to tell him that he wanted to sign them...

At this point the band’s demo tape was still called Brave Belt III. Fach convinced the band that a brand new name was needed; one that capitalized on the name recognition of the band members. The band had already mulled over using their surnames (à la Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young). While on their way back from a gig in Toronto, the group had spotted a copy of a trucker’s magazine called Overdrive at a Windsor, Ontario truckstop, after which Turner wrote "Bachman-Turner Overdrive" and the initials "B.T.O." on a napkin. 

BTO released their eponymous first album in May 1973. The album broke through in the US via border towns such as Detroit and Buffalo, and stayed on the charts for many weeks despite lacking a true hit single.

Their second album, Bachman-Turner Overdrive II, was released in December 1973, and became a massive hit in the U.S. and their native Canada. It yielded two of their best known hit singles, "Let It Ride" and "Takin' Care of Business".  After years of touring, the band went into a hiatus in 2005- but now Randy Bachman and Fred Turner have reunited for a tour and collaboration on new songs for 2010.

When we were kids we joked "Bachman Turner Overwieght"- but always loved the band and their power-pop sound.  And did see them in the 80s at a free outdoor concert in Toledo, Ohio too... hey, wasn't as bad as it sounds, lol-  good show actually:

 Bachman-Turner OverdriveHey You- 1974

The Ascendant New Media Right Speaks...

American Power has a must-read for defense buffs: Afghanistan and the Decline of American Power... plenty of reason for concern -here-

Viewed from the Right: this week's RR Featured Blog says Obama is his favorite president... huh? -here-

No Sheeples Here has a great piece on Obama getting rolled by the Russians -here-

The Camp of the Saints asks "How can we miss you... if you won't go-away?" -here-

Maggie's Notebook had a realistic look at the economic corpse the useful half of this country is fettered to -here-

Atlas Shrugs' Pamela Gellar finds America under attack in an act of appalling cultural aggression as Hamas supporters and front-men for the Muslim Brotherhood at CAIR are now suing an Illinois town -here-

Patterico's Pontifications has the latest unprovoked character assassination against conservatives -here-

The Other McCain says Karp Krap Kills Kars -here-

Riehl World View reports Kentucky is not buying Rand Paul

Jammie Wearing Fool is on the verge of a Stupak-attack

The Lonely Conservative put-up video showing Obama's astonishing lack of self-awareness and delusional, inflated sense of purpose -here-

Gateway Pundit has a great clip of Liz Cheney -here-

Conservative Pup posts Mark Steyn, the Geriatric Teenager -here-

Government Mess finds Mark Levin predicting civil disobedience -here-

Jumping in Pools has a look at some kook that considers Kim Jong Il a fashion icon... looks to me like a gas company uniform, but what do I know -here-

Adrienne's Corner examines a misguided administration devoid of class and reality -here-

Moonbattery is asking questions about federal funds flushed-down a salamander tunnel -here-

Amusing Bunni's Musings looks at Gingrich coming to life suddenly and calling a spade a spade... it's about time -here-

Charging Elephant finds a disturbing new group of pro-administration goons with the stated goal of destorying the TEA Party movement -here-

Bungalow Bill provides the definitive Tiger Woods video-parody collection -here-

Pookie's Toons

Polish President Dies in Russian Plane Crash

Polish president Lech Kaczynski was among 87 people killed when a plane crashed in dense fog in southwestern Russian region of Smolensk today.
The Tu-154 presidential plane crashed about 300 metres from the runway after hitting tree tops in dense fog, Russia's Emergencies Ministry said.
According to Rossiya 24 TV, there were 87 people on board; all of them died in the crash.
In Warsaw, foreign ministry spokesman Petr Paszkowski said that Polish president Kaczynski was on board the ill-fated Tu-154 aircraft.
Kaczynski was flying with a delegation to take part in the Katyn memorial ceremonies at the site where Polish military officers were executed on the orders of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin during the Second World War.
President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered emergency situations minister Sergei Shoigu to Russia to the Smolensk region to personally supervise rescue work, according to reports.
He also directed prime minister Vladimir Putin to lead the probe. And while it seems to have been (Polish) pilot error and obstinance -as he was advised by the Russians to land elsewhere due to the fog- I would like to see someone a bit more independent look at it- the Kaczynski brothers were no friends of Russia, and he was on his way to a ceremony on Russian soil that exposes Stalin's crimes... the same monstrous Uncle Joe Putin is now in the process of beautifying...
Lech Kaczynski was a good man, good Catholic... and a good friend of the United States- God Bless his soul.
Amusing Bunni's Musings has video from Russia and a fitting tribute -here-
PTI via DNA-India

 Update: now 95 dead -that's everybody onboard- and it's reported that Poland lost much the country's leadership in this crash... including the First Lady, head of the Polish central bank, Army Chief, and others... BBC reports -here-