28 June 2012

Eric Cantor Already Scheduled House
Vote on ObamaCare's FULL REPEAL

First week after August recess...

Obama and his congressional minions swore back in 2008/09 'you will not see your taxes increase one single dime'- and they never would have got this leviathan passed on the Hill had they been even slightly more honest about it.

So consider this- some (like former AG Alberto Gonzales) even think Roberts/SCOTUS just handed the election to Romney- as the Court cannot be labelled as biased to the Right now -no way- and the truth has at long-last come out: ObamaCare is the largest tax increase in the history of the US -nay, the world.

This is good: Eric Cantor has already scheduled a House vote sot that all the congressional reps can stand up and say whether they support the biggest tax increase ever... or not. Trouble for them is, all the ones who did help pass it in the first place said it wasn't. How very inconvenient for them... just two months prior to the election. If anything can inspire the TEA Party to 2009's level of energy and protest, this might be it- and last time we got out there and fought, the Dems got trounced.

We'll have to wait a couple months for that spectacle... as for today, pop some popcorn and watch Eric Witholder get put on the grill, that'll take the wind out of the Bolshevik Boy Wonder's sails...

BTW, Fox just reported that Mitt Romney took-in $1M in donations since 11am already...