We're Witnessing the #ObamaCare Death Spiral in Real-Time -American Power
A&E so offended by Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson that They’re Continuing Marathon Airings -Michelle Malkin
Goodstuff's Christmas Issue! -GoodStuff
The Most Successful Ponzi Scheme Ever... -The Classic Liberal
Saturday Lecture Series: Winter Solstice -The Blogmocracy
Intolerant GLAAD Reeling From Biggest Backlash in Years -Gateway Pundit
Will A&E win the award for dumbest business decision of the year?
-The Powers that Be
-The Powers that Be

Vintage Babe of the Week -Proof Positive
A Guy Walks Into a Bar... -Woodsterman
Glenn Beck on Article Five -Knowledge Creates Power
Picture Of The Week (maybe best ever) -Randy's Roundtable
Woman shoots stalker, gun grabbers hardest hit -The Daley Gator