24 February 2014

UKRAINE: Liberty's Victory- in Pictures

The Ukrainians got rid of a corrupt, delusional tyrant?

Color me jealous...

And lastly, footage of EuroMaidan protesters being shot 
-and killed- by government forces (bloody, graphic)...

If you didn't see the pics of Yanukovych's tacky mansion, that's -here-
It's already been nationalized, and there's talk of turning into a
'Museum of Corruption'.

Nobody knows where the deposed/impeached president is at still, most likely back in his power base of eastern Ukraine- an arrest warrant has been issued in his name. Tellingly, Yanukovych delivered his last, desperate TV address 
in Russian

And Ukrainian expats were roaming the streets of London yesterday, looking for a major Yanukovych ally (Rinat Akhmentovthey expect to see arriving at his extravagant London flat soon. 

Akhmetov had received over 30% of government tenders... up until this last weekend, anyway. Yanukovych's own son seems to have gotten the lion's share of the rest.

Incredible EuroMaidan photo gallery -here-

Kyiv Post   IBT   Wikipedia   The Economist   twitter