Another Success Story for Socialism! -Doug Ross
Warmist Wants A Revolution To Kill Of Capitalism -Pirate's Cove
Why Can’t Any of This Happen to Obama? -iowntheworld
ABC-WaPo Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Support Keystone XL
-Jammie Wearing Fools
-Jammie Wearing Fools
'12 Years a Slave' Such a Good Movie at Least 2 Oscar Voters Chose it as
'Best Picture' Without Seeing it -The Powers that Be
'Best Picture' Without Seeing it -The Powers that Be
Rick Perry tells conservatives: ‘It’s Time for a Little Rebellion’ -I'm Man, I'm 41
Obama's March Madness -Proof Positive
This Winter at St Joseph Lighthouse, Lake Michigan -Woodsterman
On Illegal Aliens... -90MilesFromTyranny
Eat your own words, Debbie Wasserman Schultz! -Michelle Malkin
conservative blog links, etc