"criminally-biased selective moralizing
-from a suitably safe distance"
- It's easy to criticize at-a-distance... but none of the people currently protesting against Israel would behave any differently in the same circumstances -and many of them would behave a helluva lot worse. This is why the selective outrage
we're seeing is SO truly nauseating.
- Where were all you 'progressive humanitarians' when Assad was butchering 1000s in Syria, or Bashir in Sudan?
Where were the angry mass demonstrations for those people?
- Or for the victims of the (Muslim) butchery in Nigeria?
- Or for the 1000s murdered in Iraq just recently... in cold blood.
- But the JEWS of ISRAEL finally respond to being constantly attacked by Islamic terrorists- and the world goes insane: people fill the streets and start talking about 'war crimes' (by Israel)... when we all know that Hamas commits genuine war crimes every single day.... and nobody (in the media) gives a damn.
- 'Progressive' journalists focus exclusively on children tragically killed because Hamas are using them as human shields -blaming Israel of course- but if these fearless
truth-seekers were really concerned about the children of Gaza, they would also tell us that Hamas' terror tunnels were built using child labor- and that 100s died.
- 'Progressives' love to tell us that 'Palestine must be free', when they know full well the thugs of Hamas are not fighting for freedom, they're fighting against it: anyone in Gaza who dares to protest against the destruction Hamas is bringing down on their heads is executed- as 30 people have already been during this conflict- that's how free they are.
- The only part of the Middle East where anyone is 'free' is Israel... the only civilized country in the region, where both Jews and Arabs are free to go about their business, and to worship
any way they choose.
- Both (Jews and Muslims) can and do serve in the Army, in the Parliament, and in the Supreme Court- because Israel is a FREE country, with equal rights for EVERYONE.
- The rest of the region is dominated by Arab-Muslim culture,
a deeply negative, racist, and misogynistic culture that's anything but free. Whatever 'glorious' history it might once have had is long-gone, and now it's nothing but a self-pitying burden on humanity... and a bloody nuisance to the civilized world.
- Jews are a tiny percentage of the Middle Eastern population, and they occupy a tiny sliver of land that they would have been perfectly happy with if they hadn't been repeatedly attacked by several Muslim armies at once, openly committed to genocide.
- When they were attacked, the Jews surprised the world by giving the Arabs the (ass) kicking they deserved, and a lot of Arabs found themselves displaced. But not from any land that was ever called 'Palestine', and the (unincorporated) land itself belonged to no country- so it is not 'occupied', it is disputed.
- Most of the Arabs who left the West Bank were not driven from their homes at all- they left of their own accord when the invading Arab armies promised them they could return when
all their Jewish neighbors had been killed.
- Well, it didn't quite work-out that way, and their descendants are still living in refugee camps (Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon) in a state of genuine, enforced apartheid: they're not allowed to integrate, to work, to receive medical treatment- because the Arabs (who could quite easily alleviate their suffering) prefer instead to exploit them as permanent political weapon.
- What we never hear about is the 1000s of thousands of Jews who were forcibly expelled from Arab countries- because they were quickly assimilated by Israel -a civilized country- which is why they're not living in refugee camps. BUT what about their property that was stolen? What about their 'right of return'?
- 'Progressives'... want see the Jews of Israel agree to a position where it's impossible to defend themselves, and TRUST the Arabs to let them live in peace. Anyone who seriously believes that that a realistic scenario is so deluded
they should be on medication.
- Arab Muslims have never let anyone live in peace,
and they're not about to start with Jews,
as they have repeatedly made clear to anyone who will to listen
- (This) apparently doesn't include anyone in the resolutely biased Western media, who carefully misinform the 'Progressive' consensus to keep them ignorant and rabidly anti-Israel.
- Any future 'humanitarian' aid to Gaza will be used to rebuild the tunnels -and to re-arm Hamas- who will then attack Israel yet again, without any regard whatsoever for the welfare of their own people.
- So checkbooks out all you 'progressive' bleeding hearts, because we all know that's what you really want: (in the next Hamas-Israel conflict) you can go through the whole self-righteous pantomime
all-over-again, and wallow -once more- in your criminally-biased selective moralizing... from a suitably safe distance.