10 February 2016

ANALYSIS: 'Cruz Outperformed Expectations in NH...
'Only Real Rival to Trump in South Carolina'

Daily Wire (Shapiro):
Nobody on the establishment side has both clear momentum and an organizational infrastructure – not with Marco Rubio’s collapse. Trump’s only real rival, then, is Ted Cruz. Look for more fireworks there.

Ted Cruz. Cruz outperformed expectations in New Hampshire. He spent less than a million dollars in advertising in the state for the same performance as Jeb!, who spent $35 million. Cruz is the only real rival to Trump in South Carolina, and he has the ground game and data machine for a long run. The establishment may be forced to choose between Cruz and Trump – and there’s a significant possibility they choose Trump.

John Kasich. Don’t let the excellent results in New Hampshire fool you. Kasich has ground game in precisely one state: New Hampshire. His left-leaning Republican support in South Carolina will go to Trump. He has no game plan after New Hampshire...