08 September 2020

TRUMP Precisely Echos Kremlin Propaganda
in Saying the Pentagon Likes to Fight Wars Because they Mainly Serve the US Military-Industrial Complex

Stars & Stripes:
President Donald Trump touted his 'popularity with the troops' and complained about his lack of support from military leaders at the Pentagon, days after a news report claimed he disparaged fallen service members as 'losers' and 'suckers.' 

Trump, speaking at a Labor Day press conference at the White House Monday, compared his treatment of soldiers to that of his challenger in the upcoming election, former Vice President Joe Biden, who, according to Trump, sent the nation’s youth to fight in endless wars. 

'It's one of the reasons the military — I'm not saying the military is in love with me; the soldiers are,' he said. 'The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.'... 

'Some people don't like to come home,” he said. 'Some people like to continue to spend money'

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Note: Besides the feigned concern for the US budget deficit -which TRUMP ran-up to an all time record even before the pandemic, IN BOOM TIMES.... and the fact that he's now doubling-down, calling US ALL 'suckers' for placing faith & confidence in the Pentagon's judgement... the part about the troops 'loving' him is bullshit too