10 July 2024

Lunatic TRUMP Holds Rally at Doral Country Club

This is the relentless nonsense these MAGA types are applauding, and you hear it from him every day- yet they’re concerned it’s Biden who has lost his marbles:

TRUMP began by bragging about his golf course- instead of apologizing for being 90 mins late and leaving people waiting all day (under a heat advisory).

He said he didn’t know what NATO was prior to his election as president (this one actually believable)

He bragged that ‘being indicted is a lot of fun’

He froze like a deer in headlights for 10 straight seconds.

He praised Laura Loomer and repeatedly called her ‘amazing’

He said he wants a ‘no holds barred’ debate without moderators this week. Essentially the two of them screaming at each other. Pretty stupid idea, especially considering that Biden is hosting the NATO summit.

He also challenged President Biden to a golf tournament this week- when Biden is busy meeting with NATO leaders and doing his job.

He said Biden ‘doesn’t know what a synagogue is’ 

He thinks you have to stop electric cars every hour.

He complained about the heat only 16 minutes in, when those people waited all day- and he still showed up an hour late.

He said someone told him that he ‘looks great in a bathing suit’ 🙄

He called Hannibal Lecter ‘a lovely man’

He said migrants are ‘preying on everybody’

He forgot how to say ‘feared’ and said ‘field’

He claimed Hunter Biden is running the country

He babbled about facelifts.

He said he was going to bring Tom Homan back into his administration, a guy who helped author Project 2025 — which he claims to know nothing about.

He claimed Biden has more homes than him.

He said we’ll become ‘energy independent’- when we already are now.

He complained some more about the hot weather (in Florida, in JULY)

He asked why ‘sweaty’ golf caddies ‘never touched me’, never hugged me, never kissed me’ 

He made fun of Chris Christie’s weight while claiming he was standing up for him. Huh? 

He said the U.S. is turning into ‘communist Cuba or socialist Venezuela’

He struggled to pronounce some of his sycophants’ names.

He called Don Jr. ‘a great talent’ and that he has a ‘great wife’ — even though he’s not married to Kimberly Guilfoyle.

He said how much he loves his family showing up when his wife Melania and favorite daughter Ivanka didn’t even bother going (seen shopping in New York yesterday)

He said ‘October 7th would not have happened’ if he was President.

He said Israel ‘had no money’

He said people get ‘shot, mugged, raped’ when visiting the Washington Monument in DC.

He told people to ‘vote whenever you want’

He played a song performed by J-6 insurrectionists and people who beat up police officers

He read his teleprompter cue to ‘speak quickly out loud’ 😂

He said that getting rid of energy efficiency in appliances will ‘keep our enemies at bay’

He called the United States of America ‘a third-world country’ and ‘a joke’

He claimed President Biden ‘isn’t legally allowed to stand trial’

He’s claiming that the stock market is at record highs due to anticipation of MAGA winning the election in November, and that it will crash like during the Great Depression if he loses. Same bullshit he was peddling last election.

He forgot how to say the word ‘economy’

He said he’d be the ‘greatest president that God has ever created’

And of course he lied shamelessly -like most people breathe- and there was a stand selling ‘convicted felon’ merch

TRUMP boasted ‘tens of thousands’ of people showed up to this rally. He later claimed “45,000 people,!’- when in the event, it looked like maybe 2k people were there...