13 July 2009

Obama Blatantly Snubbed by Russians

This one didn't seem to get any coverage, although it seems sufficiently newsworthy to me.

Of course, Obama getting snubbed, frustrated, and even visibly flustered by an entire row of Russian leaders on camera doesn't fit with the everybody-just-loves-Barrack narrative. He actually looked quite silly reaching out to one after another... only for them to act like he wasn't even there. This is the President of the United States we're talking about.

And the MSM press surely doesn't need you seeing that Obama's open hand to Moscow is being met with nothing but contempt by the other side... now literally! If you saw that, you may then realize what a comprehensive catastrophe his Pollyanna foreign policy already is- something the Obama sycophants in the American media will be keeping a lid on for as long as possible. 

 Russian invasions of Georgia and Ukraine ought to put a stop to that soon enough, though-