11 September 2009

Heroes, Victims, and Lessons of 9/11

September 11th, 2009 -today- marks 8 years since the attacks of World Trade Center I and II, The Pentagon, Shanksville PA, American Airlines Flights 11 and 77, and United Airlines Flight 93 and 175.

On that day 2,996 people were ripped from their lives. But as the media and society tend to do, they've focused more on the killers. We’ve all learned more about them than we wanted to. On that day many of us made a pledge to never forget what happened.

The bloggers involved with the honorable Project 2996 have offered to help keep that promise by learning about the 2996 people who died that day.
Carol at No Sheeples Here has dedicated the entire week to honoring just a few of the victims of this unfathomable tragedy. Her efforts to honor them are each a fascinating personal story in themselves, well-done and well-worth a trip over to No Sheeples...
Great job Carol. Shame the President doesn't have the good sense nor moral clarity to show them a little more respect- guess that wouldn't fit-in with his misguided foreign policy agenda.
These stories are very sad, but perhaps all the people out-there pretending 9/11 never happened should read up... then consider being a little more responsible and vigilant.
The current administration and their enablers are not doing the right kind of things to keep another 9/11 from occurring, period... and their dismissal of the War on Terror as some quaint irrelevancy from the Bush era is nothing short of insanity.
Smitty at The Other McCain offered-up a thoughful 2996 piece on a 9/11 victim he knew personally... USN Officer Robert Randolf Elseth.. read that -here-

Gateway Pundit aptly reminds us to Never Forget... in words and pictures -here-

As does Another Black Conservative... -here-

Bungalow Bill remembers how it was that fateful morning with Refelections of 9/11.

The Conservative Pup says NO to Barack Obama's shameful highjacking of 9/11... -here-

And conservative blogging ally down undah in Australia "MK" from Down Under on the Right Side offers us an honorable tribute with We Will Not Forget- the photos alone are worth a visit. Thanks MK, proud to have you on our side.

Please take the opportunity on this occasion
to say a prayer for the victims and their families.
God Bless the United States of America