Can ya hear me know, Gibsy?
Riehl World View is reporting over TWO MILLION in attendance... -here-
As is the Gateway Pundit -here-
Stacy from The Other McCain is there to report the action... and he's all over it -here-
Update Sunday 1:00 pm: Stop the ACLU says that regardless of how ABC denies making the 2M estimate... others put the the crowd from 1.2m to 2.0M... plus great pictures from The Mall -here-Riehl World View is reporting over TWO MILLION in attendance... -here-
As is the Gateway Pundit -here-
Stacy from The Other McCain is there to report the action... and he's all over it -here-
All I can say is wow... this is just what is needed to stop Obama's HC nationalization efforts- it's all we've got to stop him with. The WH is now planning every trick in the book to ram it down our throats... so it's good they be reminded of the heavy political price that would be attached to such a disgraceful, anti-democratic stunt. Wavering Blue Dogs have taken note... of that, you can be sure.

Could be a watershed event we're
witnessing here... that's a big crowd.
Photo courtesy of Mary Katharine Ham in
Washington today, via Glenn Reynolds/Gateway Pundit.