08 September 2010

Islamic Triumphalism: Harsh Lessons From History for New York City in 2010

The Twin Towers were destroyed on 9.11.2001 by adherents of the supremacist and totalitarian program that authoritative Islam calls Shariah... 
Adam and Eve... Muslim edition 

While the imam promoting the bad idea of the century -a mega-mosque at Ground Zero- has publicly declared that he seeks to “bring Shariah to America.”...  sounds like fun

As this new ad (below) from the Center for Security Policy makes abundantly clear, Muslim followers of Shariah law have long built mosques -to flaunt their victories- on the most cherished and sacred sites of the peoples they have conquered... 
...on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, at Constantinople’s St. Sophia Basilica (now Istanbul), and in Cordoba, Spain, the capital of the occupying Moors’ Islamic kingdom. 

Many Hindu and Buddhist temples also were destroyed in Asia and now lay underneath prominent mosques. These are the “facts on the ground” of Islamic conquest and religious supercessionism. 

To be fair, one must acknowledge that this is exactly what Constantine the Great and later Roman emperors did, after considerable bloodletting, when they replaced pagan temples with Christian churches. The Spanish in the New World also built many churches on the sites of Mayan, Aztec and Inca temples.... 

Militant supercessionism has no place in the modern world, and should be seen for what it is: an ancient handmaiden of conquest that should be banished to the dustbin of history... 

Islamic triumphalism has a very long and brutal history. The Dome of the Rock represents the first stop on Islam’s 1400 year path of conquest. Today the dual paths of terrorism and stealth jihad are making great inroads worldwide. 

Most New Yorkers and Americans are only just waking up to Islam’s accelerating push to implant Sharia law in western countries as well as large areas of Africa and Asia. 

The controversy of the mosque at ground zero has alerted Americans to how Islamic totalitarian Sharia law dictates world domination and the fact that radical islam must be opposed by free people... 

Of course, Holland's Geert Wilders will be joining the brave and principled Pamela Geller in speaking at this Saturday's planned 9/11 protest against the building of this Ground Zero mosque in a place where it's not needed... not wanted... and most certainly should never be built... more on this weekends' event at her flagship site Atlas Shrugs

An illuminating history of Islamic triumphalism with helpful video/pics to be found in her piece at Looking at the Left
9/11 Mosque protest, geert wilders, pamela geller, 9/11 rally NYC, 9/11 rally Manhattan, where, when, GZM protest, protest Ground Zero Mosque, Atlas Shrugs, directions, transport, how to get theredove world, quran burning, koran burning florida9/11 rally NYC, 9/11 rally Manhattan, 9/11 Mosque protest, geert wilders, pamela geller, GZM protest9/11 Mosque protest, 9/11 rally NYC, 9/11 rally Manhattan, where, when, GZM protest, protest Ground Zero Mosque