But the Senate will never ratify, you say?
Guess what, they don't need to...
Morris went on to say that this heinous agreement -which would in-affect repeal the the Second Amendment and deny us all of the divine right to self-defense- will likely be signed by Obama... then Harry Reid will simply never bring it up for a vote, keeping the ATT treaty in-effect.
Then, if Dear Leader actually manages to win a second term and continues with his ongoing date-rape of this country, he will of course never renounce it, either... meaning we're stuck with it for a minimum of 4.5 years, in which time they'd be able to assault your Second Amendment gun rights relentlessly... a fait acompli
What to do?
Sign this petition, which can be loosely summarized as
"From My Cold, Dead Hands!"... -here- UN Gun-Grab Treaty