16 November 2012

★The REAL Miss America★

Vanessa Dobos is a gunner on board a USAF AC-130 gunship. 

The blue-eyed blonde has seen action in Iraq and Afganistan, and enjoys long walks on the beach, men who aren't afraid to cry, and puppies.

Vanessa's dislikes include feed-tray stoppages, tracer flareout of her NVGs and premature fixed-wing strikes scattering her 
high-value targets...

The 19 year old former Ohio high school cheerleader is in-fact the Air Force's first female aerial gunner ever:

Raised in the small town of Valley View, Ohio, her interstest in the military was sparked by her father. Described by Dobos as 'a history buff', her dad talked a lot about America's past heroes while they often watched classic war movies...

'He instilled in me so much respect for our country's past heroes' she said.

She 'loves her job', but that doesn't mean it's been easy: besides having to win-over doubters re. her ability to handle the heavy machine gun, Airman 1C Dobos luckily survived a nasty chopper crash in Afghanistan that resulted in 5-7 rolls down a hillside and one airman dead/others severely injured...

More female related, graphics-rich posts 
Other McCain   Military.com   Snopes   h/t Kirby