27 November 2009

Here Comes the ClimateGate Humor: "Hide the Decline"

Already the global-warming fraud has become a laughing-stock... good luck passing that cockamamie Cap-n-Tax bill with this scandal out... approaching mid-term elections with 11% unemployment... and Obama's own numbers cratering.

New satire out today from iowntheworld.com starring the image of the quickly-becoming-discredited Michael Mann...

So we don't need The One to save the planet for us... nobody wants ObamaCare anymore... and the Porkulus has completely failed... looks like we've subjected ourselves to four years of Obama's out-there agenda, habitual dishonesty, frightening incompetence, and (untreated) megalomaniacal narcissism for no reason at-all... great.

Check out America's Watchtower as he examines
the now-real possiblity that climate-change/global
warming data was fixed from the beginning...

And Gateway Pundit has found the corruption
that has Obama's radical-Leftist Climate Czar