Dr. K has again hit the nail on the head in claiming that today's greens are the new world socialists- read up on German politics and their Green Party of 60's radical Joschka Fischer if you'd like a clear example of how it all fits-together.
And Krauthammer makes a strong argument today that the real agenda behind the environmentalist movement is to transfer money from the wealthier countries to the poorer ones:
One of the major goals of the Copenhagen climate summit is another NIEO ["New International Economic Order] shakedown: the transfer of hundreds of billions from the industrial West to the Third World to save the planet by, for example, planting green industries in the tristes tropiques.
Politically it's an idea of genius, engaging at once every left-wing erogenous zone: rich man's guilt, post-colonial guilt, environmental guilt. But the idea of shaking down the industrial democracies in the name of the environment thrives not just in the refined internationalist precincts of Copenhagen. It thrives on the national scale, too.
As part of his sales pitch -selling free-market America it's own noose- Barack Obama has made the specious claim that the average American "would not bear the brunt" of this historic tax-increase, claiming instead that: "It is paid for by the polluters who currently emit dangerous carbon emissions."
Just compare this blatant falsehood to Ronald Reagans’ timeless wisdom:
Just compare this blatant falsehood to Ronald Reagans’ timeless wisdom:
The most dangerous myth is the demagoguery that business can be made to pay a larger share, thus relieving the individual. Politicians preaching this are either deliberately dishonest, or economically illiterate, and either one should scare us... Only people pay taxes, and people pay as consumers every tax that is assessed against a business.
Alas, until a lot more than half the country start to call Obama out on his habitual dishonesty and unacknowledged world-socialist agenda... this crew of Bolshevik thugs will continue to abuse every element of their power to ram such damaging, radical legislation down your throat (or through any other available orifice) as they brazenly lie to your face about it.
And our best hope vs the overreaching tentacles of Obama's outrageous EPA power-grab lies with the scaring of legislators into revoking CO2 regulation from the EPA portfolio- as recommended by Mr Krauthammer here today- since fortunately the Obama spell over his own party is rapidly dissipating, and a window of opportunity presents itself from now until the midterms to reign-in this misguided megalomaniac and his enablers.
In addition to other wisdom to be gleaned from Ronald Reagan's towering success in the areas of job creation and national defense, standing-up to the UN's glorified Nigerian cash-transfer scam is perhaps the most important of all... with the recent CRU scandal and anti-American motives at play here, people are finally starting to ask some questions... and the whole thing stinks like trash-truck juice.
In addition to other wisdom to be gleaned from Ronald Reagan's towering success in the areas of job creation and national defense, standing-up to the UN's glorified Nigerian cash-transfer scam is perhaps the most important of all... with the recent CRU scandal and anti-American motives at play here, people are finally starting to ask some questions... and the whole thing stinks like trash-truck juice.
climate change, world socialism, Obama, Copenhagen, global warming, Al Gore, CRU scandal, greens