12 January 2010

Dems Freaking-Out as Scott Brown Gains Momentum

DNC -clearly in panic mode- has dispatched their top spin-meister to New England to prop-up the crumblin' Coakley campaign- and as you might have guessed, what he's up-to isn't pretty... Riehl World View has all the DNC's shameful, Alinskyite shenanigans -here-

Last night's TV debate was a rough one, but the GOP candidate looked sharp as a tack. When moderator and biased Democratic operative David Gergen referred to it as "Ted Kennedy's seat", Brown stole the show by correcting him with "It's the people's seat":

And Coakley? She looked off-balance throughout, and plenty nervous at the thought of blowing the election. As in her TV attack ads, there is a haughty tone that betrays contempt for Brown... how dare he challenge this open Senate seat, when The Machine has already bestowed it upon her?

Obama's lackey-in-waiting also informed we less-enlightened types that "there's no terrorists left in Afghanistan"- Based on what, pray tell? Any unicorns there then, Martha?
So It Goes in Shreveport has more of her nonsensical drivel -here-

Stacy McCain reports that Scott Brown raised an impressive $1.3M online yesterday... money that will go towards fighting the vicious attack-ads Coakley is now unleashing. Have a look at this piece of crap she's running... where her gifted staff even misspelled "Massachusseetts"- good grief (h/t Gateway Pundit):

Red State has the ads and commentary -here-

Yeah, Taxachussetts is as deep-blue as they come... their 10-seat House delegation has not a single Republican in it. But if there's one thing this country loves, it's a plucky underdog... especially a principled and determined patriot like Scott Brown.

It's starting to look to even the most grizzled chowder-head like Brown's the guy who deserves the job, not some lackey foisted on the Commonwealth by a pompous Democratic establishment... so why don't you give him a crack at it, New England?