20 January 2010

Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass)

-h/t MAinfo-

The shot-heard-round-the-world was apparently not heard by all- notable amongst deniers being recalcitrant statist fiend Nancy Pelosi- Gateway Pundit has SanFranNan preparing to march her party right-off the cliff now -here-

Riehl World View finds some pretty major Democrats already telling Obama game over, dude -here-

The Other McCain -live on the scene in Massachusetts- heard chants of "Kerry next" in the streets... heh -here-

DaTechGuy -on the ground with McCain- says it just keeps getting better and better -here-

American Power has info re. another new star... Scott's daughter -and American Idol semi-finalist- Ayla Brown -here-

Maggie's Notebook actually has video of Stacy McCain meeting Ayla last night -here-

Founding Bloggers looks at liberal drivel-dispenser Media Matters' reaction to the election... they're having a tough time getting their mind wrapped-around this one -here-

Instapundit links Mort Zuckerman summing up Obama's failed gamble on the economy -and misudgement of the country's character as a whole-

Red State says it's finally time for conservatives to enjoy the fruits of victory -here-

Michelle Malkin examines the Dems' Massachusetts meltdown... then reminds conservatives that this is no time to rest on one's haunches -here-

Conservatives for Palin has the Arctic Fox's reaction

No Sheeples Here says what we have witnessed here is nothing short of a MASS-acre... get it? More where that came from at a fun and informative blog, she dissects the Brown victory speech -here-

Libertarian Advocate has Chi-Town hustler Larry Axelod in spin-mode... or is it denial? -here-

Congratulations across-the-miles from MK Down Undah- as he tells Obama what he can do with it

Left Coast Rebel puts it out-there first: Brown for President? And he also says don't laugh -here-

Check-out Chicagoan Amusing Bunny's One Nation Under Fraud... I like the part where she pleads for Dear Leader to just go-away -here-

America's Watchtower offers a note of thanks the great people of the Commonwealth for perhaps saving our entire country -here-

Ruby Red Slippers: I gave Roger Ebert's review of the Bay State electorate two thumbs up in her comments section... 'cuz that's my message to Teddy, too! -here-

Adrienne's Catholic Corner has the Scott Brown money quote of the day -here-

Contrary to what some on the Left would have you believe... Adolf Hitler isn't happy about all this at-all

And a vital note of warning to Ohio voters in particular: The White House is now in desperation mode... combine that with appalling Chicago-Machine ethics and we all have plenty of reason for vigilance.

Ohioans best be aware that Sen Voinovich is meeting with Chairman Zero today... would he sell us out? Having been born and raised there, I respectfully call upon my fellow Buckeyes to contact the good Senator's office ASAP and tell him "Don't even think about it"- Van Hesling at Moonbattery tells you how best to do that -here-

While all can see significance in last night's events, this might be quite a bit bigger than we realize just yet. Regardless of the relentless spin coming out of Team Obama and mindless drones like MSNBC, the fact is that Senator-elect Brown was just ten years old the last time the GOP held this seat- and the glaringly obvious message of the Democrats getting their butt kicked like this will be un-spinnable. Hopenchange now lies in smoldering little bits, and everybody and his dog knows it.

The astounding momentum that took Brown from down double-digits to victory in less than two weeks really got started when the RedInvadesBlue online MoneyBomb brought-in $1.3M vs a one-day fundraising goal of just $500K.. That support provided the attention needed at a critical juncture. I thank all my readers who followed the link back on the 11th and helped Scott out... you've done the county a great service.

Congratulations also goes out to allies of the New Media's resurgent Right for having a substantial role to play in all this. As a journalistic alternative the the in-the-can MSM -and highly-effective fundraising channel- your hand in Scott Brown's victory cannot be overlooked-

Did we just witness the initial descension of a great man? I dunno, but one could easily argue he's a hero already. And one thing I do know is that a guy of Scott Brown's principled determination can do almost anything-

Great job, Scott- American patriots in every state are very, very proud of you and the hard-won victory you've brought- and we all thank you for it!