01 February 2010

2011 Budget: Reckless Fiscal Orgy has Deficit at All-Time High

Obama Budget To Hit $3.8 Trillion-
Deficit $1.6 Trillion

While the President has lately been simulating the squawk of a deficit hawk, most people deduced pretty quickly that he was not offering much by promising to freeze less than half the budget at the already-obscene levels ran-up by himself, Pelosi, and Reid. This is akin to pledging to drink no more than a fifth of scotch a day... same as I did last year.
They also promise a federal budget deficit reduced to just $700B by 2013. While it's nice to get it out of the trillions, this is far too little restraint- and far, far too late. The harsh reality that Obama has created in less than a year is this: in a time that screams for tax cuts and perhaps other economic incentives, the power-drunk Democrats have left themselves no room for maneuver- they've already pissed-away all the money we've got -along much of our future wealth- while creating a ticking time-bomb re. inflation/dollar crash.

Shamefully, Team Obama always knew just how this would play out, as there is zero intention in this WH to actually be responsible... none. These hell-bent statist fiends have a revolution to foist on us... and they're attempting to do it by hook or by crook.