30 March 2010

Independents Still Favor GOP by 20 pts on Generic Ballot

Rasmussen just put out new numbers for their generic congressional poll that show both parties' support stiffened since ObamaCare was rammed-through, but with the GOP still up by seven... at the highest level they've ever recorded in this poll, 46%.  And the unsettling part for Dems is that although they've enjoyed a six-point bump last week, Republicans still whip them 45-25 with independents- the people who decide elections for the most part in this country. 

More dark skies of coming times for the Democrats, too... and do keep-in-mind Rasmussen surveys likely voters, unlike other polls who skew results to the Left by sampling "adults"-thereby including a significant quantity of left-leaning types who are in fact too lazy or stupid to vote- maybe that's why Rasmussen is so highly-regarded for his accuracy:
  • just a measly 28% believe Obama's threadbare spiel that he's "bipartisan"
  • Obama's own approval numbers are again headed south as his mild post-ObamaCare-vote bump vaporizes...

Going to be three dreadfully-long years...