28 March 2010

Napolitano: Courts will Nix Major Parts of Obamacare

This clip courtesy of Charging Elephant, an allied conservative blog well-worth a visit. According to Napolitano, O-care is going nowhere... as predicted -here- last week.

Not only does the good judge tell us we're headed towards a fascist state under the unprincipled tutelage of Dear Leader...he tears this appalling power-and-tax-grab apart in a comprehensive and systematic fashion. In his opinion, the bill is so blatantly
unconstitutional -and on so many levels- most of it will be gutted before this Edsel ever gets out of the garage-

Don't despair patriots, and don't forget: they are the ones with something to worry about, and they are the ones with something to lose... and Team Obama's current propaganda offensive/character assasinations hardly bespeak confidence.  What the Obama-Pelosi-Reid triumvirate did is wrong -they know it- and now they're going to have to defend it from a relentless siege coming at them from every direction- on the street, in the court, and eventually at the ballot box... this is gonna be fun-- and victory oh-so-very sweet.

Update: Carol at No Sheeples Here just put up a piece that incorporates Judge Napolitano’s constitutional theory in “Setting Brush Fires In People’s Minds”... a good read.