"OBAMA TODAY: We'll look at new Presidential Orders, policies on the economy, alternative energy and foreign affairs, and his use of the New Media."
Isn't Dear Leader kind of using taxpayer dollars to stuff propaganda down our throats here...? And with typical Obama faux-openness, conditioning us for the coming stream of Presidential Orders- does that bother anybody else?
Some of it might be worthwhile, perhaps... after all, we don't get much explanation elsewhere from this crew. But besides the manipulative and dictatorial nature of the ad/site, the style just gives me the creeps... celebrity/Orwellian, and of course in the photo he's lecturing. Can you imagine if there had been a goverment-funded "W-Today" site? Completely unimaginable... Bush would have been pilloried for it.

It's going to tell us "how he uses the new media", too? That ought to be a hoot, and maybe they'll cover something we'd actually be interested in hearing... like the DNC-funded troll patrol from David Plouffe's Organizing for America... or Obama's failed scheme to control the internet, I guess he'll have to just settle for "using" it like the rest of us peasants.
I'd rather he just stole the money than spend it trying to brainwash us into falling into line, it's insulting... but he's got a touch for that, doesn't he.