21 July 2010

This Week on McLaughlin Group-

-Pat Buchanan, Eleanor Clift, Mort Zuckerman, Chris Stirewalt-
Issue One: Crackdown on Wall Street
Issue Two: Obama Giving us Buyers' Remorse?
Issue Three: Loose Lips Sink Gibbs
While I've got some real problems with Pat Buchanan's isolationism, tepid support for Israel, and distaste for overseas military challenges... in domestic policy he's often right-on, plus an original thinker to be sure- and I did enjoy his Death of the West.  This exchange re. the national debt crisis between hyper-liberal twit Eleanor Clift and the pugnacious, rightist-nationalist (9:00) is illuminating...
Buchanan: These people (Bowles-Simpson Deficit Commission) are going to come-in with the recommendations -the Democrats will have lost -say- 30 seats, they're not going to cut Social Security, MediCare, MedicAid, unemployment insurance, veterans... the Republicans aren't going to give them a dime in tax increases... and they're not going to cut the budgets for the wars.
What you've got is this deadlock of democracy, where we've got 10% of the entire GNP for a deficit -for three years running- I think we're headed toward the cliff.  They'll come up with something... but Congress ...will say "no way you're telling us what to do".
Clift: Well, their (deficit commission's) rhetoric... is damaging... because it's this "deficit first" mentality when the economy really does need juicing... all this deficit talk is an anchor.
But they are right when they say that the deficit is a cancer on the economy, and it really has to be addressed... and Bill Clinton showed us this cancer can be cured...
Buchanan: Well, those Reagan tax cuts really got the economy going, Eleanor...
Clift: (blah blah blah...)
McLaughlin: Did you hear what he said?
Clift: No, I'm listening to myself speak...