10 August 2010

New RNC Ad: Obama's 'Deficit of Hope'

“The American people have seen who is benefiting 
from Obama’s economy- and it isn’t them"


This new video out of the RNC today- not bad:

Of course, there is one more aspect to this campaign season that is amazing if you think about it. 

Did you ever think that the GOP would be able to campaign against Obama himself? When he won that great election victory in 2008 and as he campaigned how the Old Media destroyed anyone that spoke against him as a “racist,” I’d have thought then that the GOP would never be able to run against Obama himself. 

But with the socialist direction he’s taken, with his tone deaf left-wingism, with his utter failure on the economic front — nearly a constant 10% unemployment rate — with his massive failures overseas with foreign policy, with his failure to even satisfy his extremist left-wing voting base by putting all their pet policies into place… the guy is a major disaster.