16 September 2010

Obama Kicks Nazi Butt

Mein Gott...

Not only is our benevolent, all-knowing/all-seeing Dear Leader fighting for social justice every day by beating-back those scheming racist TEA partiers and rounding-up fascist militias you never even knew existed... the numbers just don't lie:

1938: German Chancellor Adolf Hitler proclaims a new "1000-year Reich" run by his National Socialist Party... one sprung from the leader's vengeful racist mindset.  

In the event, the Nazis -in charge of all branches of government- along with millions of emotionally-driven followers lead the country over the abyss... lasting a mere twelve. 

They awoke a sleeping giant in the United States... and payed a heavy price.

12 years/1000 predicted = 1.2%

2008: American political operative James Carville proclaims a new "40-year reign" run by Obama's Democratic (socialist) Party.... one sprung from the leader's vengeful racist mindset.

In the event, the Dems -in charge of all branches of government- along with millions of emotionally-driven followers lead the country over the abyss... lasting a mere two. 

They awoke a sleeping giant in the United States... and are paying a heavy price.

2/40 = 5.0%- bust dat, Adolf!

And as the President likes to remind us, things could be worse... compared to prior apocalyptic narcissist megaolomaniacs, perhaps he's right. 

The key to appreciating this administration seems to lie in lowering expectations as much as one's imagination will allow- and Obama's suggesting we do just that. 

Trouble is, it don't work that way... not in this country.

Obama, Nazi, Hitler, Hogan's Heroes, Colonel Klink, Obama, Nazi, Hitler, Obama