Attn Readers: this is 2010's piece...
for 2011: Ten Years On - click here

for 2011: Ten Years On - click here

At 3pm today in Manhattan at Ground Zero -Park Place and W. Broadway- Pamela Geller and Holland's Geert Wilders will be speaking at the Rally of Remembrance... not just a memorial event, but meant as a powerful protest message that badly needs to be sent to the fifth-columnist dopes (Bloomberg, Obama) aiding and abetting the construction of the outrageously offensive and ill-advised Ground Zero mosque...
More on today's event at Atlas Shrugs -here-
Mind Numbed Robot provides reportage on Alan Keyes stand against proposed Flight 93 Memorial's seemingly Islamic crescent moon in the symbol... -here-
The Camp of the Saints -this week's RR Featured Blog, and never one to mince words- states with typical lack of unambiguity that All RINOs are just Flat-out Losers -here-