14 November 2012

Sad Story About a Great Person...

Just received some truly horrible news- blogging pioneer Amusing Bunni has been diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer- they just told her it's 'inoperable'.

I myself first came in touch with her in 2008, and like any who've had the pleasure, was always 'amused' by her principles, good cheer, and STRONG Christian faith... and what a doll.

Carol -her real name- is a true TEA Party conservative, yet one who has been down-on-her luck, unemployed and living with her cat right in the belly-of-the-best, inner city Chicago. But now fate has really dealt this fine woman a harsh blow... one only friends can make a little bit better.

As much as I dislike 'blegging' -avoiding it entirely in the past- this case calls out for something different: any in a position to lend a hand with a few bucks for her donation button (top of her right column) -as I just did, every $20 helps- or who can offer some kind words, -and a prayer- I implore you to do so- you'll feel better if you do, and hopefully so will she:

God Bless You, Carol...
you're in all our prayers, hang in there