07 August 2014

REPORT: Russian FSB Has ALL the Dirt on Obama,
Kremlin to Out Him as 'Pervert' and 'Sodomite'...

I sure don't like the Russians much, but praise be to anyone who sheds the light of truth on the murky Obama regime... since nobody in our mainstream media nor government seems to give-a-hoot-in-hell when gay associates
-some would say lovers- at Obama's former church promptly disappear once he announced his '08 presidential run, or that his wife seems like a bored, embittered beard suffering from low job (or any other) satisfaction...

While it's difficult to tell where the guy gets his information, Rev JD Manning of 'Manning Report' fame has put a video out proclaiming that Putin/the Kremlin will expose Obama's secret, homosexual sex life/etc within 100 days- right before the US mid-term elections, oh my.

He notes recent statements by Russian officials questioning Obama's manhood as the opening volley in the coming attack.

Although obviously a useful tool to counter US sanctions on Putin's cronies, Manning claims this move will be part of a larger plan to 'de-throne' America as the world's primary superpower- to be replaced by Russia as our country then becomes 'mired in sexual politics' and the inevitable domestic backlash against Obama's lies, secret life, and related body count.

The Harlem-based Rev Manning sums-it-up: 
'The long-legged Mac daddy is a sodomite!':

Update: And what about this...
Obama to be outed as gay