20 October 2014

POLL: The Only Thing Chicagoans HATE More than Mayor Rahm Emanuel is the Green Bay Packers (!)

The campaign of a Democratic challenger to former-Obama-WH-Chief-of-Staff (and incumbent Chicago mayor) Rahm Emanuel -Chicago Alderman
Bob Fioretti- commissioned a poll this month to kick off his 2015 Chicago mayoral campaign... 

Intended to measure the mood of the world's largest cowtown in the twilight of Rahmbo's first term, the news wasn't good for the snotty former ballerina:

  • 49% of participants had an unfavorable opinion of
    'sitting in morning traffic'
  • 51% had an unfavorable opinion of Fox News
  • 52% had an unfavorable opinion of Mayor Emanuel
  • 58% had an unfavorable opinion of the
    Green Bay Packers

So those polled (500 Chicagoans) hate Mayor Emanuel a bit more than morning traffic, but still not quite as much as the locally-loathed Green Bay Packers-

Of course, a spokes-weasel from Emanuel's office promptly dismissed the results as 'a silly poll from a candidate who apparently has nothing better to
do or say.'

Fioretti responded by telling them to lighten up.

Clearly, almost anybody seems more appealing to Chicagoans than
Rahm Emanuel at this point- and the hyper-ambitious lil' thuglet's political future looks bleaker by the day.

Good thing they didn't compare hisshonor to going to the dentist,
eating an insect, or having all the hairs on your body plucked simultaneously... that could have been really embarrassing.