Operation Get Whitey is backfiring... BIG-time
If the White House over-reacted in the firing of Shirley Sherrod, they've got only themselves to blame for creating a situation where they're so paranoid of any further illumination of their racial agenda that WH damage-control mechanisms are on DefCon1. And while Obama likely has no plans to dial-back this stealthy little race war, he's plenty keen to keep it off-the-radar...
Regardless of how well Breitbart may or may not have handled it -and despite the Left's current narrative- Shirley Sherrod is no saint: her admission that she discriminated against whites in the past is still not acceptable -sure wouldn't be if the roles were reversed- and seriously damages her credibility for a position that doles out government largess. Sherrod is also heard on another tape slandering not just the entire GOP, but all good-faith opponents of ObamaCare as inherently "racist" -here-
On top of that, this lady appears to be a scammer: Shirley Sherrod was among the largest beneficiaries of a corrupt and dubious lawsuit brought by black farmers against the USDA, and now reportedly prefers suing the government for wrongful termination to accepting generous federal job offers... what an opportunistic scumbag, but that's what kind of creature the victimhood culture breeds- one that can justify taking just about whatever they want to from you.
Is Barack Obama racist- and hell-bent on revenge? Hard to fathom how a guy so thoroughly blessed by the American system -with plenty of race-based assistance and favoritism along the way- could be so bitter and harbor a feeling of being wronged somehow... looks like a pretty blessed life from where I'm standing, famous and powerful millionaire who's never really worked a day in his life... we should all be so charmed.
He's not alone, either: most of the world's black millionaires are American... although the others probably worked a bit harder than the Bolshevik Boy Wonder did to get there. But Obama isn't one to let reality get in the way of how his noggin has been hard-wired: the racial and class theories that angry commie freak Frank Marshall Davis poisoned his young mind with are closely intertwined... and seem to have made a lasting impression on young Barry.
So maybe Obama's schmaltzy "beer summit" took minds off his telling initial reaction, which was to promptly side with the obnoxious -and just plain wrong- Harvard "African-American Studies" professor HL Gates over the blue-collar white cop just doing his job... one that likely often involves dealing with some uncooperative fool screaming "racism" all the way to the jail, I suppose.
And it's possible some people might have been snookered by Obama's innocent act when his embittered and twisted Marxist preacher of 20 yrs -Reverend Jeremiah Wright- was exposed for the anti-American, racist con-artist that he actually is. Typically, Obama professed to be "shocked", dismayed, and "I, too, was surprised to learn..." (lolol~ stop!)
But how could Obama's repeated slights and snubbing of our nation's closest ally -Britain- be understood as anything but a grudge based on what their grandparents did in Kenya 50-100 years ago? Obama acts like he was enslaved in some colony, rather than spoiled and handed everything a man could ever want in America... success based upon a "minority" status that he and his malcontent of a wife exploited to the fullest. Any appreciation ever from these two? Of course not- all the country ever gets in return from ingrateful leftist race-hustlers like the Obamas is their never-ending contempt.
Surely we should be asking a few more questions then about the outdated and unpopular affirmative-action racial quotas -that will effect millions- secretly snuck-into the Porkulus' $800B... ObamaCare's trillion$... and even Wall St hiring rules (based on race) inflicted stealthily in the midst of a recent regulatory tsunami.
The reality is that 55% of Americans oppose such government racial quotas- but I guess we all should just lay-back and learn to enjoy it as we are denied jobs and educational opportunities... and while the country continues to pretend our president actually represents all Americans... or even something resembling a majority.
Of course it's also hard to explain-away the way Eric Holder dropped the Black Panthers case like a hot potato...bizarrely claiming that a couple of guys in NBP military garb with black berets, twirling nightsticks in front of a Philly polling station in 2008 weren't there to bother anyone- unreal. Despite the best efforts of the MSM to bury the story as well, Obama's giving these hate-filled criminal scum a pass -and for purely racial reasons- has shocked the nation, as many still believed the Obama "post-racial" spiel... up till now.
Lest there be any doubt, recent tapes of New Black Panthers leaders shouting through bullhorns in public to "kill some cracker babies" did much to erase any ambiguity. This shameful episode has already taken a serious chunk out of Obama's frail poll numbers... including for the first time a plunge in Democratic support.
And now this: a TARP program Special Inspector has issued a report stating the forced closure -by many accounts ill-advised, arbitrary, and unnecessary- of hundreds of GM and Chrysler dealers in early 2009 -at the expense of over 100,000 jobs- was based on not just punishing Republican donors and whole rural areas that voted heavily for McCain... but also a stated priority of favoring minority dealerships... at the expense of white guys and their hapless employees, basically:
Dick Morris duly notes that any race-based debates only hurt Obama politically -he ran as the post racial candidate, which he so clearly is not- while exposing him as weak and utterly incompetent -here-
Even shameless Obama-pumpers at Reuters see Dear Leader facing a "race mess"- one largely of his own making -here-
And it's arguable that the biggest villian in the Sherrod debacle is in-fact the NAACP... so says Bob at TCOTS -here-